- People are inherently good. Unfortunately, we live in a system that structurally exhausts and destroys the earth while dividing humanity by wealth, race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation.
- Since the Industrial Revolution, technology, growth, and greed have brought us to a point where it seems we are too late, and we risk the end of the human race. Therefore, the system must be changed quickly and radically. The current immutable system shall be dismantled.
- For centuries, people have followed leaders who impose laws and religious duties, political dogmas, or violence. Unfortunately, most leaders do not have the people’s best interests at heart. They willfully perpetuate the unfair system and are an exception to the rule that people are good.
- We are developing a form of government where the administrators of the community are drawn from people who are educated for the task. They are experts and have no self-interest within their work for the community. They are well-trained to run our society. Extreme wealth, discrimination and, power greed will be eradicated in the future. We call this form of governance Sensocracy.
- The People’s Union that we aim to establish shall consist of independent districts whose virtual borders are drawn based on the culture, language, and/or history of a region. A local government will legislate on matters that are not contained in the Constitution and global laws of the Union.
- For centuries, male CEOs and leaders determined and dominated the financial market, businesses, industry, politics, and administration. They consider themselves protectors, providers, and rulers of the world. We’ve reached a point where feminine thinking will be given more room, and real change will be possible.
- We no longer think in terms of years or decades. We must consider the consequences of our decisions, inventions, and production for a period of at least one hundred years. This is the way to ensure a safe future for future generations.
- Everyone is entitled to a sufficient amount of healthy food. This means sufficient fiber, minerals, proteins, and vitamins from grains, nuts, vegetables, and fruit. If we produce and use these ingredients in the correct proportion, there will be sufficient food for everyone. Hunger, malnutrition, poor nutrition, but also overfeeding will be eliminated.
- We only grow organic food in greenhouses and on the cold soil close to our towns and villages. The vast distances from producers to consumers will be a thing of the past.
- People, but also birds, fish, and animals have the right to an uninhibited youth and a complete life. Therefore, the mass production of meat and dairy products must be stopped.
- The so-called meat substitutes must not overshoot their target of replacing intensive livestock farming due to a complicated and expensive production method.
- All organic residual material left over from agriculture must be returned to the earth. Farmers, retailers, or the consumer should not burn or bury organic waste. Instead, it will be used to enrich the earth, particularly in agricultural and forestry settings.
- All land belongs to everyone, and private ownership of it is abolished. Land will be used for agriculture, housing, and industry, while the rest of the land will be protected natural areas that produces oxygen and maintain biodiversity. Farmers will be fairly paid for their labor, and the price of food will be determined solely by their work. Everyone will have access to all land to enjoy the primal power and beauty of nature.
Education and information
- Everyone has the right to learn and study, and all education will be public, free, and of high quality. Education will be compulsory until the age of 21.
- The education system must change, and dealing with knowledge should be more important than obtaining it. Learning should be enjoyable, and while reading, writing, arithmetic, social studies, computer science, and knowledge of nature are basic tools that everyone should learn, to process knowledge is more important than to gather or remember it.
- Everyone will have access to knowledge, scientific information, patents, publications, and research. The data should be easily accessible and comprehensible for everyone who uses it.
- Innovation will serve general interest, and new inventions must be available to everyone without damaging nature or burdening the natural resources unnecessarily.
- Robotisation and AI can serve mankind by eliminating tedious and repetitive work and enhancing living conditions. Humans should always stay in control of all systems, and an independent ethical council will monitor this.
- Patents on medicines will be abolished, and current patents will be expropriated based the costs incurred to develop the product or medicine. New patents will be considered common property, and they will be developed and tested by public organisations. Production may be delegated to private companies.
- Every person has the right to free medical treatment and medicines that are appropriate for their illness. Companies producing medicines will be set up in a decentralized manner to ensure that the products are quickly available in every region. Unnecessary medication must be paid for.
- Food supplements, vitamins, and minerals will be subject to the same testing system as regular medicines, and there will be honest information about their effects, side effects, and quality.
Health and Care
- Everyone is entitled to free care, whether they have a chronic illness, are elderly, or have a physical or mental disability. This care can be provided by professionals, trained or untrained volunteers, or relatives.
- Medical professionals, scientists, and volunteers will focus on prevention, and prioritise awareness of how to obtain a long and happy life. This includes healthy eating, drinking, exercising, and stress management.
- Help should be provided in one’s own home for as long as possible, and institutionalisation should only be considered when it is no longer feasible. Institutions should offer a homely, confidential environment, and quality of life should be more important than efficiency.
- Non-essential plastic surgery and other unnecessary medical operations will be paid for by those who choose to undergo them.
- In case of communicable diseases that can develop into pandemics and pose a threat to public health, people must work together to fight them with eye for each other’s interests. Quarantine, full lockdowns, and other necessary measures to prevent spread must be respected. Demonstrably safe vaccination can be made mandatory if it saves human lives.
- Soft and hard drugs will no longer be prohibited, as with nicotine and alcohol these products will be heavily taxed to compensate the extra healthcare costs. Hard drugs will only be dispensed with prescription.
- Addiction will be considered as a disease, whether it is drugs, alcohol, gambling or any other addiction. Proper care will be made available for those suffering from addiction, just as it is for any other disease.
- Everyone has the right to a suitable job that provides one feel satisfaction and purpose.
- There will be a basic income provided to cover one’s basic necessities, including proper shelter, sufficient and nutritious food, clothing, and other basic needs such as communication, transport, and entertainment. This is in addition to free facilities such as education, water, energy, and health care.
- Labor will be fairly rewarded and not be taxed. Individuals are free to work as an employee or to run their own business. Although working (whether paid or voluntary) is not compulsory, people must be aware that working is necessary to keep society functioning and to lead a good life.
Transportation and travel
- We must minimise travel as much as possible, whether on vacation or work purposes. The urban and regional planning should be adjusted to make this feasible.
- Public transport, including a dense network of trains, buses, taxis, and shared cars, will make owning a private car completely unnecessary.
- Import and export will be things of the past. Only the transport of a select range of raw materials will be possible as mutual traffic.
Money and property
- Cash will be abolished and replaced with only one digital money system issued by a central government. Other digital currencies will be banned as they are a source of self-enrichment, crime, and corruption. The payment system must be captured in a blockchain or similar system for total transparency.
- In the event of death one can only leave a restricted part of the private property to heirs. This is to prevent extreme abuses among the extremely wealthy. There will be a progressive inheritance tax up to 99%.
- Anyone can voluntarily participate in a general pension fund. Essentially, they are saving for a supplement to their basic income when they can no longer or do not want to work.
- Shares in a company are not transferable. If you set up a company yourself, part of the shares will belong to your co-workers. For them, the shares are an addition to the basic income. In the event of death, the inheritance tax will place the shares in a state fund that will distribute them to (new) employees.
- Employees must have influence over the overall policy and profit allocation of the company through the company’s bylaws.
- All combustion must be stopped, the latest combustion engines, fired power plants, waste incineration, stoves, etc.
- Organic material must be recycled and non-organic material must be reused. Production and assembly must be designed to make disassembly and recycling possible.
- Biodiversity must be prioritised to prevent further disappearance of animal, fish, insect, reptile, and bird species. This can be achieved through efficient land distribution between buildings, agriculture, and nature.
- Artificial and over-fertilisation, as well as the use of pesticides, will be prohibited by law.
- Introduction of invasive species of plants and animals must be avoid as much as possible.
- Planting two trillion trees, the simplest solution to combat global warming, will be carried out as soon as possible.
- Industrial fishing will be paused for at least a decade to restore biodiversity in the oceans as well as in the seas, and inland seas. Fishermen can find work in mining ocean plastic and purifying the oceans of microplastics, PCBs, PAKS and other harmful substances with innovative methods. They can also play a role in the recovery of coral reefs and other undersea flora.
- New plastic will no longer be made from fossil raw materials, but only from existing plastic material. Due to high deposits and the mining of disposable plastic at sea and on land, we have material for recycling. Biodegradable plastics made from organic material will replace plastic in the future.
- We must reclaim the desert and change it to fertile land. With food-forests, we can retain water and allow the cultivation of vegetables, fruit, and other foods. This will create a new microclimate to restore life in infertile areas.
- All human beings are equal regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation or any other distinction. Just as everyone has an equal basic income, equal right to education and care, everyone must also have an equal chance at a career.
- Difference between property and wealth will never lead to such extreme differences where the community or individuals become victims of that.
- Government officials, leaders of companies, churches, or other institutions have a constant responsibility to share their power with the community.
Defense and innovation
- Once the Union is big enough, an army will no longer be necessary. Until then, existing armies will merge and can be deployed for community works. Ultimately, the military will be converted into a facility apparatus dedicated to combat pandemics, natural disasters, and large-scale accidents. It can also be used in the construction of roads and bridges in remote areas.
- The innovative power of the army industry will be used for civilian and development goals.
Houses and settlements
- Everyone is entitled to affordable housing, whether one want to live alone, as a couple, as a family, or in any other form. The costs of this may not be subject to pursuing excess profit by house owners. You can own a house or building that you do not live or work in yourself, but renting it out is subject to strict regulations.
- Everyone is entitled to some land to grow food or for recreation.
- A house should protect you against heat and cold while consuming as little energy as possible. Smart construction and clean energy ensure a pleasant climate and domestic use.
- Public facilities should be available in towns and villages within walking distance. At least shops for food and clothing, services such as lawyers, healthcare, education, and facilities such as cafés, restaurants, and museums will be close to people’s homes.
- Houses must also have enough space and be equipped to enable people to work from home.
- We create food forests, food gardens, and recreational parks in cities and villages. They will be available by tearing down old energy-unfriendly houses and buildings. Every city deserves a beach, a forest, squares with stages and catering, parks to walk, to meet, dance, and celebrate life. These green areas will also drastically improve the air quality.
- Building will be constructed with natural materials as much as possible. They must be mounted in such a way that they can be dismantled and reused over time. Other (chemical) materials such as PVC, paint, adhesives, sealants, and the like will be replaced for environmentally friendly alternatives.
- More property, more stuff, bigger and more luxurious properties can be limited by our respect for the earth and the fair distribution of wealth. We will reinvent what makes us happy because values such as possession, growth, and consumption have no future anymore.
- Our focus will be on human relationships. Love, friendship, and family are the things that can really make us happy. We will build more community spaces for encounters, recreation, and spiritual elevation.
- Trust in each other, a safe environment, mutual respect, and aid are conditions for a happy society. A good shelter, a healthy life with sufficient food, a pleasant, useful working environment, sufficient cultural, and other entertainment are secondary conditions for that happy society.
- Energy for heating and household will be free. Awareness that energy is a scarce and precious resource that we extract from nature is an important issue. Inconsiderate use can lead to a tax on additional use. Metering only takes place to encourage fair distribution and economical use of the available energy supply.
- We will have to use all our innovative power for the development of new energy sources. For too long, innovation in this field has been held back and obstructed. Many inventions can be a solution to the energy problem but need intensive research and trial. Battery technology, nuclear fusion, thorium power, and nuclear waste management research will be given priority in this regard.
- Energy production will be decentralised, and neighborhoods must have their own power plants. Decentralisation will reduce the energy loss through transport. All residual heat from energy generation and use must be fully utilised for reuse.
Overpopulation and aging
- The earth has insufficient raw material to sustain our current way of living. The amount of water, air, soil, minerals, ores, and other raw materials is insufficient to feed, house and, heat a population we have now. Therefore, a reduction in the world’s population is necessary.
- In the millennium terms, the earth is suitable for just under two billion inhabitants. The way in which that number can be achieved is through a good social safety net for old age, proper sex education, good medical support for expectant mothers, a good level of general development and schooling, and the decline of gender differences in rights and obligations.
- With a reproduction factor of less than two, the population will eventually decline and fall to acceptable levels within decades.
- With the elimination of a retirement age, the problem of aging will diminish. You can and may continue to work if you want. Meaningful work with restricted working hours leads to more and happiness.
- The tax system will be simple and designed to work progressively trough a bracket system. It will allow for entrepreneurial incentives but preventing excessive wealth.
- Since health care, childcare, energy, water, and education are free and everyone is entitled to a basic income, the system can be straightforward in design. Different rates of Value Added Tax will regulate the use of primary, secondary, and luxury needs. Capital will be taxed instead of labour, and corporate tax, dividend tax, wealth tax will be at incremental rates.
- Inheritance tax will start with a small tax base but increase rapidly with brackets of up to 99%.
- Democracy, as well as neo-liberalism, Marxism, communism, meritocracy, and social democracy, have all failed. Therefore, we propose a system called Sensocracy, which promotes logical thinking by hearth and mind.
- Countries, states, provinces, and mini-states will be formed into a system of districts based on their culture, language, historical division, or other form of coherence.
- A global government will design the main global constitution based on this manifesto. The constitution will cover money management, economy, human rights, justice, education, health care, science, climate, and food supply. The district government will be able to develop its own regulations based on the constitution.
- The people of a state, district, or United States will democratically vote to accept this global constitution, after which they can join the Union. Within the Union, democracy will be replaced by a lottery system. Training will be provided for civil servants and administrators, which includes a broad study and specialisations in various areas that are important for governing the community. After successfully completing their studies, students are offered a job with a departmental government. The higher the degree, the more responsibility an individual can undertake. All people employed by the government can apply for the district parliament, from which a cabinet is drawn. The chairman of parliament and governor of the cabinet are also drawn by lottery.
- The umbrella government of the Union works with the same lottery system. A member of parliament is drawn from each district, and cabinet members for the central government are drawn from the district cabinets.
- This global parliament is the highest body of the affiliated departments, while the cabinet is an executive body that prepares, implements bills, and designs enforcement.
- In addition to this system, there is a supervisory board drawn from the independent judiciary. It is an extensive service with investigators who monitor possible corruption, nepotism, both globally and departmentally. The remuneration is above average but not extreme, secondary occupations and income are not allowed to avoid conflicts of interest. All officers and members take a vow to serve the inhabitants of the region to the best of their ability and to implement and comply with the laws of global society to the best of their ability.